Number Songs
Number songs are an excellent starting point for early mathematical work such as counting, addition and subtraction. By incorporating number songs into daily routines, such as playing a song CD during car journeys or walks, you can introduce your child to numeracy concepts, whilst also enhancing their speech and language. Encourage your child to perform actions for the songs to aid memory and support understanding.
Below are a selection of well-known number rhymes and songs:
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Five little speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum, Yum
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Then there were four green speckled frogs
Glub, Glub,
Four little speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum Yum
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were three green speckled frogs,
Glub, Glub
(Continue until last verse and then there were no green speckled frogs) ---
Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks went swimming one day,
Over the hills and far away
Mother duck said,
Quack, quack, quack quack
But only four little ducks came back.
Four Little ducks went swimming one day....
(Continue until one little duck)
Final verse...
Mother duck said,
Quack, quack, quack quack
And all five little ducks came swimming back.
Five Currant Buns
Five currant buns in a baker's shop,
Big and round with a currant on the top,
Along came a girl/boy (your child's name) with a penny one day,
Bought a currant bun and took it away,
Four currant buns in a baker's shop
(Continue the song pattern)
Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Five little men in a flying saucer,
Flew around the world one day,
They looked left and right,
But they didn't like the sight
So one man flew away...WHOOSH.
Four little men in a flying saucer
(Continue the song pattern)
Five Fat Sausages
Five fat sausages sizzling in a pan,
All of a sudden one went BANG!
Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan,
All of a sudden one went BANG!
(Continue the song pattern until the last sausage goes BANG!)
Ten Green Bottles
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall,
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.
Nine green bottles hanging on the wall,
(Continue the song pattern)
One green bottle hanging on the wall,
One green bottle hanging on the wall,
And if that one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There'll be no green bottles hanging on the wall. No green bottles hanging on the wall.
Ten in the bed
There were ten in the bed,
And the little one said roll over, roll over,
So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There were nine in the bed,
And the little one said roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over and one fell out....
(Continue the song pattern)
One, Two Buckle My Shoe
One, two buckle my shoe
Three, four knock on the door
Five, six pick up sticks
Nine, ten a big fat hen.
Counting in Two's
Two, four, six, eight
Meet me by the garden gate
If I'm late, don't wait.
Two, four, six, eight
A Tall Silver Rocket
A tall silver rocket Is standing on the ground,
Now it's nearly ready
Here comes the sound.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Monkeys on the Bed
Five Little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed.
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed....
(Continue the song pattern)
One baby turtle alone and new
Finds a friend, and then there are two.
Two baby turtles crawl down to the sea.
They find another, and then there are three.
Three baby turtles crawl along the shore.
They find another, and then there are four.
Four baby turtles go for a dive.
Up swims another, and then there are five.
Rhyme for writing numbers
Number 1 is big and tall, stand him up so he won't fall.
Number 2 goes backwards and along, please make sure you don't go wrong.
Two little curls for number 3, one for you and one for me.
Number 4 goes down and across, give him a stick so he's the boss.
Number 5 is a funny chap, down fat tummy and give him a hat.
Number 6 looks like a curl in your hair, twiddle it around to show that it's there,
Number 7 starts with a hat, then goes down just like that,
Number eight makes an S then go back to join it up.
Number 9 is like a ball on a stick, start with a C then go up and down quick.
Number 10, that's a lot of fun, write 1 and a nought and now it's all done!
I Can Count
I can count, want to see?
Here's my fingers- one, two, three (Hold up fingers as you count)
Four and five, this hand is done. Now I'll count the other one.
Six, seven, eight and nine (Hold up fingers on other hand)
Just one more, I'm doing fine. The last little finger is number ten.
Now I'll count them all again. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!