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Counting is one of the first steps in early mathematics. Counting is an exciting skill for young children which can very easily be supported through everyday routines and fun, engaging activities.


Simple activities to develop counting include:


  • Singing number songs with your child is a really powerful tool for early maths. Number songs and rhymes introduce your child to counting, addition and subtraction. 

  • Providing fun and familiar objects for your child to count such as teddies, toy cars, small figures, marbles, shells or buttons. Begin with five objects initially, then progress to ten. Most importantly, model counting to your child, by pointing to each object slowly, saying the numeral aloud as you do so. 

  • Introducing number cards alongside objects so your child can learn to match numerals to quantities. Number dot flash cards are helpful at this stage with dots corresponding to each physical object your child places on the card. 

  • Providing simple jigsaws and puzzles which focus on counting skills. 

  • Incorporating counting into daily routines so your child develops counting for a purpose. Such as counting out the cutlery to lay the table, counting out apples at the grocery store, counting together when on car trips.

  • Playing games in which your child can count physical actions such as claps, jumps, hops or steps. Children learn best through active learning so engaging them in physical activities helps deepen understanding. 

  • Reading maths themed stories together which incorporate counting such the story of 'Bear Counts' by Karma Wilson.



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