Everyday Maths
Everyday routines provide many hidden opportunities for teaching early maths skills. They usually require little or no planning and occur naturally on a daily basis. These opportunities can be used to enhance your child's basic maths skills.
Simple activities to support everyday maths include:
Encouraging your child to help at the supermarket by counting out a given number of fruits or vegetables or counting the total number of items in the grocery basket.
Incorporating mathematical language associated with time such as this morning, this afternoon, tomorrow, this month, next week.
Providing a stopwatch or timer, for when your child brushes their teeth, to support understanding of time.
Encouraging recognition of numbers in the locality, such as at the supermarket, on vehicles, on mail or signage.
Identifying shapes in the environment incorporating vocabulary for 2D and 3D shapes.
Incorporating maths into cookery activities to deepen understanding of number, measurement, size and shape. Support your child to weigh out ingredients to develop recognition of numerals and units of measurement.
Incorporating mathematical language when pouring liquids using vocabulary such as a full cup or half a cup.
Introducing fractions when cutting foods such as cake or pizza incorporating vocabulary such as a whole, half, thirds and quarters.
Providing measuring jugs, cups and containers during bath times for your child to explore capacity. Introduce language such as 'full', 'nearly full', 'half full', 'nearly empty' and 'empty'.
Providing opportunities for your child to explore different measuring apparatus such as a weighing scales or measuring cups. Offer dried foods such as pasta, pulses or lentils to weigh. Children benefit from exploring capacity through filling and emptying containers.